Saturday, April 26, 2014


March 11

My Dearest Avid Followers!

If you thought that all of the torture and indignity were bad before just wait til you here this! My human servants have put me in.... THE CONE OF SHAME! ME! CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS TRIPE! IT IS AN OUTRAGE!

Ok I must calm down. Getting this overly excited isn't good for my dazzling personality. So my humans took me to the doctor lady again and this time she had the nerve to say that I have Feline Chin Acne. Moi? With acne? Preposterous! I mean I will acknowledge that I may have been scratching lately and that I might have scratched a few grooves in my chin but is that really any reason to subject me to this cone full of shame?? I know I still look fabulous but a girl can only do so much when wearing something that looks like a lamp shade!
I feel like all I can really do is hang my head in shame and hope that no one else sees me....

Secret Weapon

My Dearest Diary,

I feel that since this is being aimed towards my future followers and is of course for posterity that I shall henceforth refer to you as my "avid followers." So to start again:

My dear avid followers,
(it has such a nicer ring to it doesn't it?) So to punish my humans for their insolence in putting me on a diet I have developed a marvelous secret weapon. Let me explain to you my brilliance.

Step One:
Get my humans to pet me and lull them into a false sense of security

Step Two:
Roll onto my back displaying my absolutely adorable fuzzy tummy

Step Three:
Wait for unsuspecting humans to pet the adorable fuzzy tummy (because let's be honest...who could RESIST?!?)

Step Four:

Isn't it brilliant?! I am quite a genius if I do say so myself. Since you are such a trusted confidante I will show you a picture of the "bait" (aka my adorable fuzzy tummy)

Alright, I don't want to overload you with cuteness so I will leave you for now, but don't fret I will be back soon.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Pink Pajamas, Penguins on the Bottom

March 29,

Dear Diary,

Have you ever noticed how the chanting at the beginning of the Circle of Life from the Lion King sounds like they are saying "pink pajamas, penguins on the bottom?" A good friend of the humans told them this and now that's how Lissy sings it and now it is all I can hear whenever the song comes on. Here let me show you.
See? See? Did you hear it? There it is. Your world is forever changed! You may be wondering why I am bringing up the Lion King. Since I am so fabulous I am going to tell you. You see my humans (plus the amazing Alexis) are going to go see the broadway version of the Lion King tonight. All is chaos around here as two girls primp and fluff and do all that strange girly stuff that human females seem to do. I mean really, what more do you need to look your best other than a good tongue cleaning? I do have to say that they all clean up rather nicely and I am quite proud of them for going to see a play all about my (distant) wild relatives. I am slightly jealous but it really wouldn't be fair for me to go and upstage all the animals that have worked so hard to put on a show for the humans. I guess I will just have to have a night all to myself. Hmmm, bath and nap anyone?