Saturday, April 26, 2014


March 11

My Dearest Avid Followers!

If you thought that all of the torture and indignity were bad before just wait til you here this! My human servants have put me in.... THE CONE OF SHAME! ME! CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS TRIPE! IT IS AN OUTRAGE!

Ok I must calm down. Getting this overly excited isn't good for my dazzling personality. So my humans took me to the doctor lady again and this time she had the nerve to say that I have Feline Chin Acne. Moi? With acne? Preposterous! I mean I will acknowledge that I may have been scratching lately and that I might have scratched a few grooves in my chin but is that really any reason to subject me to this cone full of shame?? I know I still look fabulous but a girl can only do so much when wearing something that looks like a lamp shade!
I feel like all I can really do is hang my head in shame and hope that no one else sees me....

1 comment:

  1. Dear Kitty- I have never heard of such a horrible aliment in a beautiful feline creature such as yourself. Cat Acne. Why the two words sound outrageous next to one another. I do hope that your situation resolves its self quickly and in your cat nap dreams you think of your servants walking around with cones on their heads. In fact I think I have a picture somewhere of your servants sister wearing a lamp shade. One of your many dedicated followers Elizabeth
