Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Time Will Tell

February 3, 2014

Dear Diary,

I am acclimating well to my new home. My humans seem to be learning rather quickly what I deem necessary for my daily fabulousness! I have now explored my entire new home and have found all of the best places to hide when I want to be annoying and make my humans come find me. Most of the time though it is really just for when something scary happens (like the front door opening! You never know what is going to come through there!) And I have no shame of needing a few hidey holes. I may be fabulous, but I get scared like everyone else, thank you very much. I just have the foresight to scope out my options ahead of time! I have also found the best places for my required hours of napping. The bed is just marvelous and there is a super fuzzy blanket they leave on the couch just for me! I do have to say that the fuzzy blanket does make one of my rather more adorable quirks come out. My humans seem to be cataloging my every move with their cameras and videos so I suppose it will get out sooner or later. So to be ahead of the punch I will just come out and admit to my adorableness! I am a blanket sucker. That's right, you heard me. I am a rather accomplished biscuit maker and I can knead blankets with the best of them. But over time I have come to realize that tasting the blanket while making biscuits takes the process to a whole new level of enjoyment. Sometimes I find myself doing it for 20 minutes at a time before slowly starting to nod off (it's a great way to get ready for a nap!)Since my humans have captured it on film, I stole it from them and will steal their thunder by showing it to you before they can. You can thank me later for making your day.

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